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Castle View School

Our Curriculum - Key Features

Our Curriculum

Pupils describe teachers as very caring and supportive, encouraging them to participate in the excellent facilities available.

Our curriculum intent statement for 2023-24 gives an overview of our vision, aim and methods to ensure all students have an appropriate curriculum.  Below is a summary of the key features of our curriculum and structure by key stage.

Lower school: a summary:

All students follow a core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Healthy Lifestyles, History, Geography, French, ICT, Business Enterprise & Resistant Materials, Art, Music & Drama.

Students receive a full programme of subjects and opportunities up to and including Year 9.    Our key stage three curriculum, therefore, is preparation for Key Stage 4.  We ensure students have access to a broad curriculum, for as long as possible, thereby not limiting their learning too early. 

This is further supported by personal development time with a specialised department of trained staff who deliver this crucial curriculum,  including Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education.  Tutor time and assemblies are used to support the wider curriculum, the Personal Development Curriculum as well as opportunities to hear from visiting speakers.  This programme is in place to support and develop them as confident, self-aware and responsible young people and active citizens and will continue into key stage 4.



Upper school: a summary:

Students receive a core curriculum of English Language & Literature, Mathematics, Science and PE and have the opportunity to develop the personalisation from Year 9 more formally through their option choices.  Students will be given appropriate advice and guidance to ensure they choose subjects that are suitable; ensuring they can achieve well, do not narrow their own curriculum and are able to progress to their post 16 study, employment or training seamlessly.

As above, their Personal Development and RSHE Education continues into key stage four.