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Castle View School

Year Teams

Year Teams

Year 7

Head of Year: Ms Graystone                      Student Support Officer: Mrs Anderson

Transition to secondary school is a daunting experience for all, and the pair ensure that friendship groups are formed successfully, incidents are dealt with quickly and in line with the school’s behaviour policy, and students have access to a curriculum that builds on their prior knowledges and pushes them to reach their full potential.  

Students are placed into mixed ability form groups for registration each morning and are usually grouped with at least one student from their primary school where possible. 

Mrs Sweeney is a student’s first port of call during the school day to deal with any issues that may arise. She will be in contact with family to ensure that all students feel safe and happy. We look to build a strong school parent/carer relationship, formed to help students in their day to day school life. 

Year 7 is all about settling into a new school and getting ready to study at a higher level. We hope to be able to offer the students opportunities to try new things and succeed in all areas of the curriculum, including a multitude of sports teams, different clubs as well as the chance to take part in school performances. Students are also encouraged to apply to be part of the Year 7 student leadership team. 

Year 8

Head of Year: Mrs Harrington                          Student Support Officer: Miss Clothier

In year 8 we help students to develop the skills they have learnt in year 7 both in the classroom and in social situations as well. As a team, we want to provide the safest and most productive environment possible to enable the students in our care to thrive and be the best they can be.  We work hard to ensure that students and parents feel that they can rely on us to listen to their problems and act appropriately.  We achieve this by encouraging openness and honesty and treating the issues of each student and parent with an open mind.   Between us we have a wealth of experience that we use to guide us in dealing with common day to day problems and those of a more serious nature.  We have a wide range of roles covering attendance, academic monitoring and behaviour management as well as helping students choose their option choices as they enter Key Stage 4, all of which will see us make regular contact with parents.  We encourage and appreciate students and parents who are proactive in their own or their children’s education and understand that, we as a team have a great responsibility in ensuring the welfare of all the children in our care. 

Year 9

Head of Year: Mr Lark                          Student Support Officer: Miss Sweeney

Year 9 is a transitional year in education. Students are preparing their option choices and looking towards their future beyond Secondary School.

At Castle View, the Year 9 team puts a great deal of effort in ensuring that our students are exposed to new experiences in and out of the classroom. We aim to develop independent, engaged and thoughtful learners.

As our students mature, they become more resilient and are better equipped to understand their place in the world and have their say. This has been for everyone to see during the current climate we find ourselves in.

Information regarding events taking place is sent to parents regularly via the school newsletter and we are keen to meet parents during the Pace evening to discuss our common goal: your child’s success and well-being.

Year 10

Acting Head of Year: Mr Ox                         Support Officer: Mrs Bagley

Year 10 is a very important and significant year, as students have finalised their option courses. They are given the opportunity, through many exciting schemes and programmes, to gain skills and qualities that are valued by sixth form, colleges, universities and the workplace. 

It is essential for Year 10 students to acquire good communication skills (for listening, speaking and writing). Flexibility and adaptability (to manage multiple assignments at the same time), to develop good time management and set attainable goals. In order to make Year 10 a success, these abilities must be developed, so are resilience and interpersonal skills.

Students have an excellent opportunity to fully establish themselves and progress within their chosen Key Stage 4 courses and career pathways. 

Students start preparation for their GCSEs by taking Pre-Public Exams (PPEs). These are taken in the same way as GCSEs and provide an excellent example to students of what the real exams are like. 

During Year 10 students are formally assessed. Subject descriptions will give you further and up to date information.

In Year 10, students can become part of the Student Leadership Team. Student leaders should set high standards, in line with Castle View values. They must be a positive role model to their peers, take an active part in school initiatives and thrive on challenges.  The experience they gain will set them in good stead for Prefect applications.

Year 10 students work on careers and future destinations during their personal development sessions. One to one meetings with career advisors are on offer and very popular. Students can take part in Mock interview days and have colleges and sixth forms come in to discuss their options for year 12. In Year 10, students are also given the opportunity to visit colleges and universities. 

Year 11

Head of Year: Mr Windle                       Student Support Officer: Mrs Scott

Year 11 is one of the most important years of any student’s education. This is the final year in which they consolidate all the information learned over the last 3 years and enter their G.C.S.E’s. During this final year they have their pre-public exams in November and March and will sit final exams in the May. Parents will receive termly updates and can meet with staff at two PACE evenings.

As well as students receiving a good full-time education covering the subjects they take, as a school we put on lots of revision sessions to help our pupils. We offer lunch clubs, period 6 learning, Saturday College and holiday revision classes. We have a brilliantly dedicated staff that work tirelessly to ensure every pupil reaches their full potential and are always on hand to answer any questions.

The head boy and head girl along with the senior prefects, prefects and student leadership team start completing duties at lunch and help staff in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the students out our school. They are always available to any pupil to offer help and support to any pupil in our school and they are such amazing role models within the school-we are very proud of them!

This is the time of year when our pupils look to get in their college and 6th form applications. They will have the opportunity to have a careers interview with connexions. We also have regular assemblies from post 16 education providers. Their application process will be meticulously walked through with them and they are fully supported by tutors through to senior staff.

It is an exciting time for them planning for their prom and their year book. We have committees of pupils who run the organisation and decision making for these areas and they are currently doing a fabulous job and I know that the prom will be a brilliant event as it always is. The students also help to organise a year book which looks brilliant because of all the hard work the pupils put into it. They will also have the chance to purchase a “Castleview Leavers” Hoody which gives them a additional memory on a cold winters night.