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Castle View School



 Our School's Designated Safeguarding Leads

If you have safeguarding concerns please contact one of the above team members on safeguarding@castleviewschool.co.uk or call 01268 696811 and ask for the Safeguarding Team.

If you feel a child is at immediate risk you can call the Family Operation Hub directly on 0345 603 7627

The Roles & Responsibilities 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (and Deputy)

The designated safeguarding lead in school takes lead responsibility for managing child protection referrals, safeguarding training and raising awareness of all child protection policies and procedures. They ensure that everyone in school (including temporary staff, volunteers and contractors) is aware of these procedures and that they are followed at all times.  They act as a source of advice and support for other staff (on child protection matters) and ensure that timely referrals to Essex Children’s Social Care (Family Operations Hub) are made in accordance with current Southend, Essex & Thurrock (SET) procedures.  They work with the local authority and other agencies as required.

If for any reason the designated safeguarding lead is unavailable, the deputy designated safeguarding lead will act in their absence. If the concern is about a member of staff the head teacher must be informed. If it is about the Headteacher you must contact the chair of governors or the LADO.

If Parents have any concerns they should contact the school and ask for a member of the Castle View safeguarding team or alternatively email safeguarding@castleviewschool.co.uk

If a child is immediate danger then you should call the police.

The Headteacher

The Head teacher works in accordance with the requirements upon all school staff.  In addition, he ensures that all safeguarding policies and procedures adopted by the governing body are followed by all staff.

All school staff

Everyone is our school has a responsibility to provide a safe learning environment in which our children can learn.  All staff members are prepared to identify children who may benefit from early help and understand their role within this process.  This includes identifying any emerging problems so appropriate support may be provided and liaising with the designated safeguarding lead to report any concerns.  All staff members are aware of and follow school processes and are aware of how to make a referral to Social Care if there is a need to do so.

The governing body

The governing body ensures that the policies, procedures and training in our school are effective and comply with the law at all times.  It ensures that all required policies relating to safeguarding are in place and that the child protection policy reflects statutory and local guidance and is reviewed at least annually.

The governing body ensures there is a named designated safeguarding lead and deputy safeguarding lead in place.

The governing body ensures the school contributes to inter-agency working, in line with statutory and local guidance.  It ensures that information is shared and stored appropriately and in accordance with statutory requirements.

The governing body ensures that all staff members undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction and that it is then regularly updated.  All staff members receive regular safeguarding and child protection updates, at least annually, to provide them with the relevant skills and knowledge to keep our children safe.

The governing body ensures that children are taught about safeguarding, including online, ensuring that that appropriate filters and monitoring systems for online usage are in place.   Our children will be taught how to keep themselves safe through teaching and learning opportunities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.

The governing body and school leadership team are responsible for ensuring the school follows recruitment procedures that help to deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children.  It adheres to statutory responsibilities to check adults working with children and has recruitment and selection procedures in place (see the school’s ‘Safer Recruitment’ policy for further information).  It ensures that volunteers are appropriately supervised in school.

Policies & Procedures 

Student Support

Parent Support

What we do

Role of the Designated Safeguarding lead

The Designated Safeguarding lead is expected to refer cases:

  • Of suspected abuse and neglect to the local authority children’s social care as required and support staff who make referrals to local authority children’s social care
  • To the Channel programme where there is a radicalisation concern as required and support staff who make referrals to the Channel programme
  • Where a person is dismissed or left due to risk/harm to a child to the Disclosure and Barring Service as required, and
  • Where a crime may have been committed to the Police as required. NPCC - When to call the police should help understand when to consider calling the police and what to expect when working with the police


Our safeguarding procedures

If a member of our school community has a concern about a child then the following procedure takes place.

  • The concern is logged on MyConcern. If the concern is an emergency and the child is at immediate risk, this is reported immediately to the safeguarding team in person.
  • Information is collected – this could be from student statement’s, school file for student history or checking for previous intervention. The safety of the child is the priority.
  • Recommended action – safeguarding log is updated, filed and monitored and a phone call home/school based meeting with the safeguarding team. Or the safeguarding team will call to gain advice from external agencies e.g. Children and families hub or 101.

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